Catholic Virtues Game

Catholic Virtues Game

Many teenagers these days is addicted to one video game or another. Even if one is not playing a video game, he is most likely thinking about it.  Sadly, most video games have become extremely immersive and are addictive. Furthermore, video games contain impure images, swear words, magic, violence, and more.   Jesus tells us not to waste time  building up our treasures on earth. What would he say if we built up our Minecraft diamonds and civilizations on a fake earth on earth?

There is, of course, nothing wrong with playing an occasional video game. However, there is something wrong with playing addictive, impure, violent video games.

Several years ago I began programming video games.  I enjoy designing levels, music, and concepts. The Catholic Virtues Game is the first Catholic video game I have programmed. Enjoy!

About The Author

Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.