Table Etiquette
If you are eating Continental style, cut food with your right hand. If you are eating American style, cut food with your left hand. Cut your food into bite sized pieces. Cut your food as you eat; do not cut it all before hand. If you can not get food onto your fork, then use your knife, not your fingers. When you are not using your knife, place it facing left (this will put the handle of the knife closest to your right hand) horizontally on the top of you plate. Or you can place your knife on a knife rest, if they are available. Never smash your food with the side of your fork. Instead, cut it with your knife


If you are in America, then you will usually see two forks and one knife at your place setting. If this is the case, then your knife will be used for your side dishes and a new knife will be brought to you for your main course.