Table Etiquette
Basic Table Etiquette
Upon receiving an invitation to dine with a friend, you should reply to it in a timely manner, regardless of whether you accept or decline it. You must arrive on time as well. You must never, unless you have previously requested permission to do so, take with you any friend not named in the invitation. The host and hostess have the privilege of inviting whom they will, and it is an impertinence to force them to extend their hospitality, as they must do if you introduce a friend at their own house. Speak, on entering the entryway, first to the hostess, then to the host.
Never sit down a the table until your host, hostess, parents, or the lady you are accompanying has been seated. If you are dining with a lady, help her into her seat before you seat yourself. If you you are dining with you your family then assist your sisters seated beside you. Do not consume any food or drink until you have said The Grace Before Meals. If you are dining somewhere where you know the Prayer Before Meals will not be said, then you may offer to pray (evangelization), or you can pray in your head.
When you are sitting at the table, sit up straight and do not not rest anything beyond your wrists on the table. Also, do not place your cellphone on the table.
Next, take your napkin, unfold it, and place it on your lap. Never tuck it in your shirt, as that is now seen as ill-bred.
I could make a large list of things you should never do at the table. However, if you follow the basic etiquette your parents taught you, you should be fine. Nonetheless, I have created a small list of things that your should never do.
- Never talk with you mouth full.
- Never talk loudly.
- Never ask others questions when they are chewing are about to take a bite of food. It is an impertinence to do so.
- Never salt your food before you try it. This is rude, because you assume the food has not been seasoned to your tastes.
- Never eat until everybody has been served.
- Never blow on food that is too hot. Instead, wait for it to cool down.
If you ever have to leave the table, excuse yourself, place your napkin on the table next to your plate, and push in your chair.
If you are dining with your parents and the meal has ended, ask to be excused. If your family prays grace after meals, then this means you are excused.

Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ, Our Lord Amen.
Grace Before Meals
Benedic, Domine, not at haec tua dona quae de tua largitate sumus sumpturi. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Grace Before Meals In Latin
We give Thee thanks for all thy benefits, O Almighty God Who reignest forever; world without end. Amen.
Grace After Meals
Agimus tibi gratias, omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis, qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Fidelium animae, per misericordiam Dei, requiescant in pace. Amen.
Grace After Meals In Latin