Random Catholic Facts: 1

Random Catholic Facts: 1

Here is the first out of many (hopefully) of random Catholic facts. All the below were sourced off of the questions from the Angelus Press Traditional Catholic Trivia. Enjoy.

A martyrion is the burial place of a martyr.

The relic of the True Cross if the only relic which receives a genuflection when exposed.

The assembly of cardinals that elects a new pope is called a conclave.

Bination is permission given to a priest to celebrate Mass twice in a day.

Trination is permission given to a priest to celebrate Mass three times in one day.

The circular halo over the head of Christ and the saints is called a Nimbus.

The term for the removal of relics from one place to another is Translation.

A collection of papal bulls of other papal documents is called a Bullarium.

The box attached to the side of the sanctuary which houses the holy oils is called the Ambry.

The Latin term for the special veneration due to the Blessed Virgin Mary is Hyperdulia.

Impediment of age means one is too young for the sacrament of Matrimony.

The name of the offering given to priests who administer the sacraments is “Stole fees.” This is because you are paying him to put on his stole, the vestment he wears when he administers every sacrament. Learn more about the stole here.

Lustral water is another name for holy water.

A Putative Marriage is one that was invalid but was contracted in good faith by at least one member.

P and X are the two letters which form the the Christogram, symbol for Christ.

A Flabellum is a large fan used at Pontifical functions.

The Society of Mary is represented by “S. M.”

An Altar Society is a group of persons, (usually women) who serve the church by preparing vestments and altar cloths.

Golden Bulls are very important papal bulls.

A Sedelia is a ceremonial chair used in Catholic liturgies.

Bishops used to wear a garment called a Mantelletta when they were outside of their jurisdiction.

A faldstool is the movable chair which a bishop sits on when he is not on his throne.

The Latin “Levate” means get up and is said to one who has genuflected.

The blessing given to women after a legitimate childbirth is called the Churching of Women.

Interregnum is the time between the death of a pope and the election of his successor.

The solemn liturgical veneration off the crucifix in the ceremonies of Good Friday is called Adoration of the cross.

The relic of the true Cross is the only relic which may be held in procession under a canopy.

Oil stocks are the vessels which hold the holy oils.

A stoup is the vessel that hold the holy water at an entrance to a church.

Pax Tecum,

The Catholic Newsboy.

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Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.