Pocket Knives
I love pocket knives and use them every day. I use a knife for opening the broken sacristy door in my church, opening packages, cutting string, and many other things. Today, I would like to talk about a few different kinds of knives.

The multi-tool knife has several gadgets inside, however, the main characteristic of a multi-tool is the pliers on the inside.

Swiss Army knives are great for use around the house or in a car. Big Swiss Army knives have almost every small gadget you will ever need.

Single bladed knives are very popular. They often come with a pocket clip and a lock for the blade. (The above knife is an NRA knife).

There are also single-bladed knives which have a springs that assist in deploying the knife blade. (The above knife is a crusader knife from TAC-FORCE).

There are, of course, many more knives which I did not cover, however, I covered most of the knives that you will see around. I hope you find the pocket knife that is right for you.