Latin Pronunciation

Latin Pronunciation

There are two types of Latin pronunciation: Ecclesiastical and Classical. Below is the Ecclesiastical pronunciation of Latin, taken from the 1962 Liber Usalis and Traditional Latin High Mass Illustrated By Pictures(Biretta Books).


  • A as the ‘a’ in father.
  • E as the ‘e’ in met.
  • I as the ‘ee’ in feet
  • O as the ‘o’ in for
  • U as the ‘oo’ in moon
  • Y as the ‘ee’ in feet (Same as I)


  • AE as the ‘e’ in met (Same as E.)
  • OE as the ‘e’ in met (Same as E.)
  • AU as ‘ow’ in how.
  • AY as the ‘ay’ in aye.
  • J as ‘y’ in yes.
  • H is pronounced like ‘k’ in mihi and nihil.
  • H in all other cases is silent.
  • R before a consonant is slightly rolled.
  • S as the ‘s’ in same.
  • TI before a vowel, but not followed by S, X, or T; as ‘thy’ in pastry (ex: gratia – grah-tsee-ah.)
  • TH as the ‘t’ in time.
  • T in all other cases as the ‘t’ in time.
  • XC before e, ae, oe, I, y; as the ‘cksh’ in rick-shaw.
  • X in all other cases as the ‘x’ in box.
  • Z as the ‘d’ in day followed by the ‘z’ in zebra (ex: Nazareth – Nah-dzah-ret)
  • All other consonants 


  • C before e, ae, oe, i, y; as the ‘ch’ in church.
  • CC before e, ae, oe, i, y; as the ‘tch’ in match.
  • SC before e, ae, oe, i, y; as the ‘sh’ in show.
  • CH as the ‘k’ in keep.
  • C in all other cases as the ‘k’ in keep.
  • G before e, ae, oe, i, y; as the ‘g’ in generous.
  • GN as the ‘n’ in no followed by the ‘y’ in yes (ex: regnum = re-nyoom)
  • G in all other cases as the ‘g’ in go. 

Keep practicing you Latin and God Bless,

~The Catholic Newsboy

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Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.