How to Address Priests and Religious

How to Address Priests and Religious


Direct address: Deacon Morris
Written address: Reverend Deacon Michael Morris 
Formal introduction: The Reverend Deacon Michael Morris

Direct address: Brother Elias.
Written address: Brother Elias, O.F.M. 
Formal introduction: Brother Elias of the Order of Friars Minor. 

Religious Priest

Direct address: Father McKenzie, or Father.
Written address: The Reverend Father Leo F. McKenzie, S.J. 
Formal introduction: The Reverend Father Leo McKenzie of The Society of Jesus. 

Diocesan Priest
Direct address: Father Butler, or Father.
Written address: The Reverend Father John W. Butler. 
Formal introduction: The Reverend Father John Butler.

Vicars, canons, provincials, deans and rectors

Direct address: Reverend Smith or Father Smith 
Written address: The Very Reverend Father Provincial Thomas R. Smith 
(ab. The Very Rev.) Formal introduction: The Very Reverend Vicar General James Dean Protocol: the same as for Priests. 


Direct address: Monsignor Smith, or Monsignor.
Written address: The Reverend Monsignor Thomas R. Smith, or The Reverend Monsignor Thomas R. Smith.  
Formal introduction: The Reverend Monsignor Thomas Smith.Protocol: the same as for Priests. 


Direct address: Your Excellency, or Bishop McNeil.
Written address: His Excellency, The Right Reverend William A. Scully, D.D. Bishop of Baltimore. or His Excellency, The Right Reverend Bishop William Scully of Baltimore. 
Formal closing: Kissing the Sacred Ring,
Formal introduction: His Excellency, the Bishop of Baltimore.


Direct address: Your Grace, or Archbishop Kovak.
Written address: His Grace, The Most Reverend Michael T. Kovak, S.T.D. Archbishop of New York, or His Grace, The Most Reverend Archbishop Michael T. Kovak, of New York.
Formal closing: Kissing the Sacred Ring,
Formal introduction: His Grace, the Archbishop of Baltimore.
Protocol: The same as for a Bishop. 


Direct address: Your Beatitude.
* Note: the Patriarch of Lisbon is addressed as “Your Eminence”
Written address: His Beatitude, the Most Reverend Michael Cardinal Sabbah, Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Formal introduction: His Beatitude, The Patriarch of Jerusalem.
Protocol: The same as for a Bishop. 


Direct address: Your Eminence, or Cardinal Hand.
Written address: His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Hand, Archbishop of Los Angeles, or, His Eminence, The Most Reverend Cardinal Thomas J. Hand, of Los Angeles.
Formal closing: Kissing the Sacred Purple,
Formal introduction: His Eminence, Cardinal of Los Angeles.
Protocol: The same as for a Bishop. 


Direct address: Your Holiness, or Holy Father.
Written address: His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, or better, The Sovereign Pontiff, His Holiness Pius XII. 
Formal closing: Kissing the Sacred Foot,
Formal introduction: His Holiness, the Pope. 

Abbreviations should follow this form: 

Brother – Bro., or Br.; 
Abbot – Ab.; 
Father – Fr., or F. (plural – FF.); 
Reverend Father – R.P. (Reverendus pater), or more often, Rev. Fr.;
Right Reverend, Most Reverend – RR. (Reverendissimus)
Monsignor – Msgr. or Mgr.;
Bishop – Ep., Epus. (Episcopus); 
Archbishop – Archieps. (Archiepiscopus), or Arch.;
His Eminence – H.E.; 
Eminence – Emus. (Eminentissimus)
His Holiness – H.H. 

Source: : Marian Therese Horvat, Ph.D.

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Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.