Hat Etiquette

Hat Etiquette


I am a huge fan of hats and I wear them almost all the time. When I first started wearing a hat, I did not know the proper rules of hat etiquette. I only knew that I was supposed to take my hat off inside and wear it outside. However, the rules of hat etiquette are a little more complex. Below I have listed the main rules of hat etiquette. They are in bullet format for easy reading.

An excellent rule to help you know when to wear a hat is –
Wear your hat in public places and remove it in private places.

  • When passing a lady, priest, or someone you know on the street, it is polite to tip your hat to them.
  • When talking to a priest or lady, remove your hat until the end of the conversation. You may put your hat back on if they ask you to.
  • When passing a lady, priest, or someone you know on the street, it is polite to tip your hat to them.
  • When talking to a priest or lady remove your hat until the end of the conversation. You may put your hat back on if they ask you too.
  • Elevators have controversy as weather or not a man should remove his hat while riding one. My personal opinion is it is fine to wear a hat in an elevator as long as there are no ladies or priests riding with you. If a priest or lady enters the elevator, then you should remove your hat.
  • When passing your nation’s flag, remove your hat. (Small flags do not count.)
  • Your hat should be removed when praying, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and when singing national anthems.
  • Hats should be worn in all types of transportation.
  • You may wear your hat in stores, because they are considered public places. However, if you are given attention by a sales person, you should remove your hat.
  • Lobbies and waiting rooms are almost always considered public places and therefore, you may wear your hat in them.
  • Remove your hat when you enter an apartment, house or hotel room. You may leave your hat on in the entryway.
  • Remove your hat in theaters and other private establishments. In theater, hotel, and other lobbies, you may leave your hat on.
  • A hat may be worn in a restaurant until you have been seated. Once you have been seated, remove your hat. Bars are considered public places and therefore, you may wear your hat at them.
  • A hat may be worn in a doctor’s office waiting room. Once you are waited on by the doctor, remove your hat.
  • You may wear your hat in an outdoor stadium, however you should remove it if the stadium is indoors.
  • Remove your hat when you enter a church.
  • Remove your hat in a hospital. This goes back to the days when hospitals were run by the church and nuns.
  • When you remove your hat, hold it in your left hand so your right hand is free.
  • Hold your hat in a way so that no-one can see the inside.
  • Make sure you know the proper way to wear and handle the hat of your choice.

If you keep all these tips and rules of hat etiquette in mind, then you will be able to wear your hat confidently and respectfully.

~Pax Tecum

Source for private and public places tip: https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/

About The Author

Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.