Exodus 90: A 90-day spiritual exercise for Catholic men.

Is your pray life on the back burner? Do you beleive penance is just for Lent? Are there 10 boxes of cookeis waiting for you in your pantry? Are cold showers reserved for saints? Is one hour a television a day not that much? Do you constantly get sucked down the YouTube rabbit hole? Do you spend excessive amounts time playing video games? Are there vices in your life that you can not get rid of no matter how much you try? Do you spend hours on your phone? Do you want your prayer life and relationship with God to be strenghtened?
If you answered yes to any of these questions and you are willing to undertake the arduous, then Exodus 90 is for you.

Exodus 90 is a ninety day spiritual exercise for men based on three pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity. All three of these pillars are essential aspects of the Christian life. It is for this reason that taking up this spiritual exercise requires taking up all three of these pillars both simultaneously and humbly. -From the official Exodus 90 Website.
Prayer is the first step to hollyness and it will help you remain firm in your aceticism.
- Make a daily holy hour. It does not have to be in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
- Read each day’s provided scripture and reflection.
- Take short, cold showers.
- Practice regular, intense exercise.
- Get a full night’s sleep (at least seven hours is recommended).
- Abstain from alcohol.
- Abstain from desserts and sweets.
- Abstain from eating between meals.
- Abstain from soda or sweet drinks (white milk, black coffee, and black tea are permissible).
- Abstain from television, movies, or televised sports.
- Abstain from video games.
- Abstain from non-essential material purchases.
- Only listen to music that lifts the soul to God.
- Only use the computer for work, school, or essential tasks (e.g., paying bills).
- Only use mobile devices for essential communications; cut out non-essential texting, app, and internet use.
- Take Wednesdays and Fridays as days of fasting. (Abstain from meat and only eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.)
You will mosy likely fail Exodus 90 if you attempt it on your own. Taking this program with other men helps a lot, becuase you can strengthen eatchother.
- Attend Weekly Fraternity Meetings.
- Check in with your Anchor daily.
90 Days:
Studies show that it takes at least 90 days to break bad habits and form new ones.
- Commit to the beginning of your new life of freedom for ninety days.
You can read an in-depth guide on how it works here.
This past Lent, I and many other men undertook Exodus 90. It had a very large impact on my prayer life, it helped me to do more penance, and it helped me break my bad habits. If you do Exodus 90 you will not regret it. I promise!
Don’t beleive me? You can read other testimonials here.
Make this Advent Season Meaningfull!

The next official start date for Exodus 90 is September 26. The program runs for 90 days and ends on Christmas. What are you waiting for? Sign up here and join myself and other Catholic men for Exodus 90.