I carry a handkerchief on my person every day. I believe there are many uses for a handkerchief, and I also believe every man should carry a one daily. Below,...
Category: Accessories
I am a huge fan of hats and I wear them almost all the time. When I first started wearing a hat, I did not know the proper rules of...
I love pocket knives and use them every day. I use a knife for opening the broken sacristy door in my church, opening packages, cutting string, and many other things....
I am sure you have seen both flat caps and newsboy caps and used both name interchangeably between the two. Today’s post will discuss the differences between the flat cap...
Tired of rosaries that break? Then this is just the Rosary for you. Paracord rosaries are suited for every young man, wether he be an outdoors man or not. It...