Book Review: The Priest Is Not His Own.

Book Review: The Priest Is Not His Own.

To see a priest making his meditation before Mass does more for an altar boy’s vocation than a thousand pieces of inspirational literature.

Fulton J Sheen

The Priest is Not His Own, by Archbishop Fulton Sheen, is by far one of the best books I have read. It is well written, comprehendible, and to the point. 

In this book, Fulton Sheen gives a spiritual look into the priesthood. He covers the priest’s relationship with Christ, the meaning of the priesthood, how to make a meditation before mass, and lots more. In this book, he gives lots of spiritual advice and suggestions. These are very helpfully for any priest or seminarian. However, there is still a lot of helpful information for men who are discerning the priesthood. I would definitely reread this book again and I highly recommend this book to seminarians, priests, and those discerning a vocation to the priesthood.

The Priest Is Not His Own is published by Ignatius Press and costs a little over $10. You can purchase the book here.

If you are interested, I posted one of Fulton Sheen’s television programs below.

About The Author

Catholic Newsboy

Catholic Newsboy

Hello! I am the writer of this blog for young Catholic men.